Keynote Speaking with Carolyn:
Inspiring Purposeful Transformation
Looking for a keynote speaker who can inspire and engage audiences on purpose and impact in business?
Carolyn Butler-Madden is the subject matter expert on profit with purpose.
Dedicated to sparking individual and organisational change, she delivers game-changing insights, inspiration and practical value on embedding purpose in business.
"Profit with Purpose" is her mantra. She advocates for the delicate balance between profit and purpose, essential for businesses to sustain and scale their impact.
Carolyn's keynotes share the deep insights gleaned from her own client consulting work with her extensive research into successful purpose-led businesses worldwide. A natural storyteller, she weaves in compelling and relatable narratives of purpose-driven businesses and leadership.
Her keynotes are customisable, ranging from 30 to 60 minutes and can include live polling, interactivity and Q&A sessions. Carolyn offers the unique Social Purpose Scorecard for pre- or post-event engagement.
For those seeking deeper engagement, Carolyn provides workshop-keynote packages, empowering delegates with practical strategies to implement purpose-driven initiatives.
As a seasoned podcast host and interviewer, Carolyn excels as a panel facilitator for purpose-themed events, adding another dimension to your event experience.
For Love AND Money.
How to Profit with Purpose
Carolyn's award-winning book FOR LOVE & MONEY inspired this keynote topic.
Sharing a unique perspective on purpose, Carolyn makes the case for love being the most powerful driver of business success in the current decade. She challenges the audience to understand that business has not yet realised its full potential and she provides inspiring examples; stories of businesses and brands driven by love of people and planet, that are achieving their true potential and leading their market categories.
This session also includes how to build a purpose-led brand that people love.
View a two and a half minute summary video of what you can expect from Carolyn’s “For Love & Money” Keynote here.
Path To Purpose.
Build Your Success Strategy
Why doing good is good for business and how to navigate an authentic purpose strategy.
This session is for business leaders who want to understand how to go about building a business (and brand) with purpose, in a way that is authentic, strategic, sustainable; and that delivers tangible social impact as well as driving business growth.
Combining inspirational examples with a practical methodology, your audience will walk away with clarity on why Purpose is so vital to business success and the knowledge to start navigating their own path to purpose within their organisation.
Purpose-Driven Leadership.
Start with WHO!
Meaningful work is the key to an engaged workforce. It drives productivity, innovation, agility, resilience and organisational success. Yet poll after poll tells us how abominably disengaged our employees are. So just how much is under-engagement costing your organisation?
Leadership is the singular comprehensive answer to this problem. In an age where people are looking for their organisations and leaders to solve society's big challenges, purpose-driven leadership is the key to inspiring and engaging your greatest organisational asset... your people.
In this keynote you will understand how great leaders are building purpose-driven cultures that their people own, by starting with clarity on WHO they are and who they want to be.
Love Stories for Business.
Build A Story Driven Purpose Culture
What stories are your people telling about your business?
Not the crafted marketing stories. The real everyday stories your teams and employees are sharing with each other and with the people they interact with.
Are they stories of purpose-driven leadership, action and innovation? If not, why not?
This session is for businesses who want to connect their people to the higher purpose of the organisation authentically and organically.
Stories are the key. Real stories unlock confidence in what the organisation and leaders value. They inspire trust - the most important currency in business today.
In this session you'll come to understand the power of everyday stories in building purpose into your organisational culture and you'll learn how to harness the fundamentals of storytelling to intentionally build a story-driven purpose culture.
Customised Keynotes
Carolyn will happily customise her keynote content to fit the theme of your conference or leadership event. Some examples of customised keynotes include:
Impact Standards That Matter - SCA National Conference, Darwin 2023
Employing Social-led Transformation in your Business - The Customer Show 2023 Melbourne
Brand Purpose: What's Love Got To Do With It?- Corporate Kindness Conference 2022
Your Brand Story (of Love and Leadership) - Non Profit Alliance Keynote 2022
Change Leadership: What's Love Got To Do With It? - Unilever ANZ Change Leaders Event
Meaningful Work. The Journey Continues - Beaumont People Keynote 2021 Annual Conference
Carolyn offers workshops, enabling organisations to do a deeper dive into and get hands-on with topics that drive greater clarity on how to embed meaningful purpose into their organisations and brands. Here are some of the workshops she offers that she can customise to audience needs.
Understand why WHO is essential to determine your WHY. Then understand how to uncover your unique organisational identity.
Identify WHY your business exists beyond making money.
How to put purpose at the centre of your brand.
"Carolyn was terrific, completely engaging and committed"
~ Kristen McGrath, former Head of Publicity & Promotions, Twentieth Century Entertainment